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Weight Loss Adventures : Entry 01

March 10, 2013 - from 152lbs to 149 lbs

So, things have been going pretty well I think! Its been an adjustment trying to eat smaller portions and being satisfied, but drinking lots of water has helped in the department! I think my stomach is shrinking already as smeller portions are more tolerable to handle without me still feeling overly hungry.

I waited a while to weigh myself, has it been two weeks since my last entry? Feb 23 2013, and this entry is March 10. Well, toward the end of the week I did my laundry as my jeans had been splattered with mud while we were out. This upset me, because washing my only pair of "fat jeans" meant it was going to shrink a bit. You know how jeans are, they kind of stretch to fit you perfectly but once you wash them they tighten up a bit again? Well I had my jeans stretched just right to my love handles, and I was really dreading the fact that I might not be able to zip them back up! O.o but to my surprise, I did, and quite comfortably so! they were not tight at all!

So, of course I stripped down and jumped on the scale and found that I had lost 2 pounds! Its amazing how much two pounds can make a difference at the waist line. Granted, I cant visually notice the change in my body yet, but I sure as hell felt it in my jeans! So happy! :D

This of course had encouraged me to keep trying! once you see it and feel it, its a /huge/ motivator. So id like to share with you a few things ive been doing and eating.

1) Entered allot of food items on my cron-o-meter. I actually input "recipes" of things im eating to make it faster and easier to enter my calories for the day, for breakfast lunch and dinner. I have certain things I am eating right now that I love, and Ill keep eating them until I grow sick of it and find something else. If it works, why break it?

2) I have been drinking lots of water! I feel better for it too! My skin looks nice and it had helped to keep me full. Drinking through the day and especially with meals ensures I dont over eat and that I feel satisfies enough.

3) Trying to keep all my meals under 300 calories per serving. This could change for any of you depending on your goals and current weight.

4) I watched a few inspiring weight loss documentary. "Hungry for Change" it talks about the secrets of diet and weight loss, and what food industries dont want you to know. It dives into the weight issues of the world and the health of those people. It teaches you what humans are meant to really be eating.

The other documentary I watched was called "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" This show was about a man that was over weight and quite sick that decided to do something about it by starting a vegetable juice diet, and hit the roads of the USA to inspire others and spread the word. "Juicing" is something I decided to take on. But this show is also about health and obesity and what humans should be eating. I recommend watching both of these.

Now to share with you my meal ideas!

For breakfast! This is simple but its filling! the idea is protein over carbs and the eggs and cottage cheeses helps me feel full longer.

1 lage egg (cooked in small amount of butter and scrambled)
1/3 cup of cottage cheese
3-4 cut strawberry pieces
Dash of salt and pepper
Approx. 175 calories.

Well under my 300 cal intake for a meal! and feels healthy to eat. I like rich tasking foods, so the cottage cheese helps with that craving.

For lunch! I have been having my version of a mexican treat! I started to make my own Salsa  Salsa is great for you because its all veggies and its delicious. Mine is made up of two large tomatos, one green pepper, 1/2 red onion, 3 cloves garlic, 1 tbsp olive oil, salt and pepper and dried basil. This is all diced up and mixed together. of course you can change this recipe up how you like!

Then I use the salsa on some tostadas!
1 corn tostada
2 tbsp original  refried beans (from a can)
1 tbsp sour cream
2 tbsp salsa
1 tsp Parmesan cheese. (optional)
Approx. 158 calories per serving
Two serving would be about 317 cals

Hold the tostada in your hand and spread on the refried beans carefully. Add a dollop of sour cream and spread over the refried beans. Sprinkle salsa around the top, and then sprinkle on parmesan cheese. Put in oven under broiler for 4- five minutes, but keep an eye on it, they can burn fast!

My dinners I have not been putting into the cron-o-meter because they vary but I estimate about 500 calories being the max I could be eating. Still staying away from carbs my dinners have been some form of meat cooked at home and a side of vegetables, either roasted or a side salad. I just make sure I dont over eat. Im probably also eating more helpings of veggies over the meat serving as well. But here is an example of a roast dinner.

And now back to this idea of "juicing" I was inspired to try from watching "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" as it not only helped these people loose weight, there are many cleansing and health benefits of juicing your own vegetable and my husband is always bothering me to eat more! There is no way ill sit down and eat the servings people should be eating. This way... four celery ribs, three carrots, and one apple go into my juicer and I drink it! Its actually good and and refreshing somehow, and surprising just how filling one cup of juice makes me feel! I am attempting to replace a meal with a cup of juice now and then to help aid in my weight loss.


And it begins, my weight loss adventures. Join me!

Okay, so... Im kind of fat as of the entry date of this post. How do I know? well aside from seeing my rounded stomach and way to much 'muffin top' on the love handles, my 'fat jeans' started to get a little to tight, and when buttoning up my 'fat jeans' became a pain, I had to look in the mirror and say  "Candy you are a fatty Mc'fatty! You gained so much weight, your fat jeans are getting to tight."

This is not the point where I shrug it off and say "well time for bigger jeans" no way, this is the moment I say, enough is enough! I know that extra weight is not good for anyone, not just for confidence reasons, but health reasons as well. Its bad on your heart, your joints your blood pressure. While those things I keep in mind, I am pretty self conscious of how I look, and these extra rolls do get me down, especially when clothes shopping!

I have lost weight before though! I lost it counting calories, which will be the same method I use again this time. I lost 20 pounds the first time I stuck to this method, and it was highly effective. It was fairly easy to, though sometimes it took great will power not to cheat. The problem is, life got crazy, life got stressful  and over the past two years I slowly gained it back, and the past two christmas holidays didn't help. In winter I definitely let myself cheat way to much for comfort food, or the many treats that are baked around holidays, it all adds up. This is a life style choice, and I need to keep it.

Spring and summer are coming and id like to loose at least ten pounds by then, maybe more, I have a few months before it really gets warm, and Im aiming to loose a pound and a half each week but just counting my calories!

Now I have some previous articles I wrote for an old site that went nowhere, but I have copied them to my iCandy blog, please refer to them for in depth information!

How I lost the weight and you can to!(link)
Talks about the science of how it works and give you an idea of how food can be deceiving when it comes to calories, and has many helpful links.

My path to weight loss!(link)
A short entry about my personal path to weight loss, and my thoughts about it.

But for a brief run down.. this is what I am going to do to loose weight.

1. Im going to use a application on my computer called The CRON-O-METER an open source and free program that allows people to track their foods and meals and count how many calories they consume each day to make sure they stay in their target range of daily intake.

2. Next im going to go to and input all the truthful information about myself to learn how many calories I can consume a week to loose the pounds I want, in this case 1 pound a week. My result was 1937 calories a week, but I am going to create a 500 calorie deficit and subtract from that number,  giving me 1,437 calories I can consume in a day. That doesn't seem like allot but eating healthy its plenty. I try and make each main meal under 300 cals a meal and snacks as well.

3. Then Im going to make a plan of what meals I am going to eat to help me achieve this. For this I have decided to cut out most all carbs and focus on eating more fruits and vegetables for snacks and in my meals. I already have many ideas left over from my past weight loss experience and I have already come up with more :)

But I need to kind of motivate myself, fire myself up as well!
Yes this time I needed to still hype myself up even though my fat pants were getting to tight O.o When it comes to commitments, and diests especially I kind of need my "ready set go!" mark that lets me start to run that race to completion, I need to put some things in order to feel like im ready to start. Aside from recounting what I need for calorie intake for my cron-o-meter, these are some of the things i've done to support my goal.

  • Told myself I had to loose weight for the summer.
  • Promised myself id have one cheat day a week to eat whatever I want.
  • Made a blog post about it.
  • Decided id use it to inspire other 'chunky' women needing help or support.
  • Made a youtube video about it, to make sure I hold to my word, or alternatively look like an ass.
  • Bought myself a special large 'sippy cup' to drink more water from daily. (somehow its fun from a special cup)
  • Promised myself the end reward would be some Victoria's Secret bras and panties to wear on my new slim bod!
  • Going to do some dancing with Dance Central on Xbox a few times a week to help me feel more awake and healthy.

And a picture of myself when I had the weight off! (my face is swollen as I had my wisdom teeth out at time of this photo O.o)

I hope that this will inspire some of you to loose some pounds with me! or perhaps your someone that already has and is just curious to see my progress  either way, i can use all the support I can get! Please subscribe to my youtube channel, as ill be doing blogs regularly as well on this topic! My Youtube Channel Here!

By the time this is done, I want to go from 150 pounds to 130 pounds! Wish me luck!

The Old Dragon - Children's Book on Amazon Kindle

The Old Dragon is a short children's story that I originally came up with in my final year of high school. Its was a project for my English class. I cant remember the specific details any longer, but for some reason I went with a whimsical tale about an old dragon and five children depicted as various animals of their own.

Im sure some of the reason I went with animals and fantasy is my love for both of those things. I wish I could look back and discover what might of inspired the moral of the story, but it turned out to be a good one. I turned out the story with some mediocre artwork, not my best work. I imagine I was more concerned with getting the assignment done and out of the way then to spend the time I normally might on my usual artwork.

All the same, I got a decent grade on it, but what surprised me more was when my english teacher told me the schools principal came into her class room and saw my assignment on her desk. The principal apparently flipped through it and decided to take it home to her own children to read to them before bed. This stunned me, but I did not put much  more thought into it.

Later in the year came graduation, but I was leaving before the semester was up and collected my graduation degree early. When I did I found that my story had been submitted for a contest where I won a writers award and a small cash prize! But it wasnt until my husband some years later saw my english assignment and read through it and encouraged me to turn it out again for kindle that I realized it was a small gem of creation that came out of my mind.

So, I got to work! I rewrote the story, keeping to the original tale and text, but I re did all the artwork to something that better matched my talent and the colorful and whimsical feeling of the tale. By the end I came out with a fully self written and illustrated children's book! one I was more proud of.

Thanks to the power of the internet I was able to share it with the world, to many families with children. You can find my book on Amazon Kindle - " The Old Dragon " 

"A charming fantasy tale of kindness and friendship that’s perfect for early readers! Five young animal friends journey into the forest, and find something they didn’t expect!  
The story begins with some animal friends: there’s Swift the falcon, Missy the rabbit, Chase and Steve the dragon brothers, and Baby the unicorn. They decide to adventure into the woods, where they encounter Walt, a lonely old dragon in need of friends. The book is written in a friendly and approachable style with beautiful, hand-painted artwork bringing the story to life for your child. 
The illustrations are bright and cheerful, and are done in Candace Mason’s signature ink, watercolor, and colored pencil mixed-media style. Full of bright and cheerful art and lessons about the rewards of friendship and kindness, this book is perfect for both boys and girls, from approximately ages 3 to 8 (or so). It’ll appeal to any preschool, kindergarten, and other early readers with a love for fantasy and cheerful adventure."

The book features 14 illustrations, some of which are showcased throughout this article. I hope that you enjoy them. If you think your child would enjoy this book, please consider adding it to your Kindle collection.

Click here to see "The old Dragon" in the Kindle store. 

Please leave me your comments, and please leave me a review on Kindle if you and your children enjoyed it :)

Nude Tude Eyeshadow Palette & Naked Flush Blush Review.

So my blog readers, I have a few items to share with you that I love! thanks to the powers of Youtube I have been introduced to Urban Decay and The Balm products. Somehow ordering online is more fun then wandering down a drug store isle looking at cheaper quality makeup and wondering if its gonna look nice on me or.. cheap on me. It seems that when you reach out and follow recommendations you find products made by companies that do a great job of it and are higher quality.  You might pay a bit more, but the difference speaks for itself. Ive kind of taken to the same mind set with clothes. You wont see me shopping at Khols or Old Navy anymore, the stuff isn't made to fit my body and doesn't last as long, but if I spent more on a brand name im far more happy in the long run. I say to save and invest in the good stuff, you wont regret it!

For christmas I asked for some products by The Balm, and I did get the Nude Tude - Nude Eyeshadow Palette and I adore it!

I kind of like that natural nude look, I think it does suit me well, browns and orange, earth tones are nice on my skin color. A normal white girl hehe. So this palette is perfect, and there is not one color in this I dont like, and so many options its hard to choose what im in the mood for! I am making much use of the colors "sassy" and "stand-offish" and I have come to find that "sultry" makes a great brow filler and "serious" is a great eyeliner! speaking of which....

The brush that comes with this palette is awesome! the liner brush works like a charm and its the first time I tried using eyeshadow as a eye liner. The brushes tip is tapered to make fine lines, and the black shade offers a softer look which I love. Im also loving the fact shadow comes off easier at the end of the day at cleansing time then a liquid or pencil liner.

The other end is nice and fluffy and holds the shadow well, applies with precision since it smaller and manageable for handling. Its also blends out colors nicely! I could not be happier with this product, so many great shades in one, well worth the price. Did I mention the artwork is fun and whimsical? I adore the pin-up theme.

Naked Flush Blush by Urban Decay.
I was researching a new blush when I ran out of mine. I had just started to get into using bronzer and I found that I preferred it over a pink blush for my complexion. Bronzer on the cheeks gave me a nice warmth right one the apples on my cheeks that looks natural and blended in well with everything else. But every once and a while I just crave a bit of a pink tint to my cheeks for when im feeling a little more spirited and youthful.

I found this product on Urban Decay after some research I decided to try it. Why? well... it has bronzer blush and a highlighter included! It seemed like a no brainer. And thanks to highlighter was something I had been wondering about, as it can be used on more then just the cheeks! I ordered it and I am glad I did. I like these colors. They look bold but with careful application you can build it up from soft to darker. The colors seem to go well with my skin tone and I think its meant to fit more then one skin tone spectrum. The broze I especially like!

Good Karma Optical Blurring Brush

I was looking for a blush brush, and I dont think thats what this was meant for lol. Though it sounds like it can be used for a number of things. In the end I used this as a kind of "dry" fluffy brush to blend in the colors of blush I apply to my face once im done to kind of blur it into my skin and the bronze and blush into one another, and it works well with a natural result. You can see the brush in the above picture with my blush palette, but here is another one anyway!

And thats it for this review, all great products and recommended by Candy! Please leave your comments if you like these products or have others you would recommend :)

iCandy's Glam Bag Review by - February 2013

iCandy's Glam Bag Review by - February 2013
For those of you who dont know what Ipsy is service where each month for $10 dollars a month small bag of beauty products is sent to your home in what they call a Glam Bag with deluxe samples and fulled sized beauty products. You also join into the Ipsy community where you can share your favorite products and looks, styles and fashion. Its well worth it and a great way to be introduces to new items.   Check out this video by Michelle Phan who created MyGlam (click here) 

Feb's theme was the red carpet! a fun idea, and some fun products came out of it! A theme that could combine well with Januarys bag! which for me came with some red nail lacquer from Nailtini and a blending brush from SOHO.

Lets get into it!

Coastal Scent - Shadow Palette Sample - Coastal Scents Shadow Palette Samples are an ideal way to try these highly pigmented, stunning shadows. Wear these pressed powders dry or wet for a more intense, dramatic look.
A nice sample, though small, how fast can a person use a shade of eye shadow pressed powered? Im sure this sample will last me months, especially since I switch up looks, I dont wear through any one color to fast. I really liked this palette, I wasn't sure about the yellow shades, but it came out as a more golden look, and was very nice with the smokey darker color. Its a look ill certainly wear on my eyes many times.

Pixi Flawless & Poreless - The Pixi Flawless & Poreless primer creates a beautiful no-shine finish for flawless, long-lasting makeup application. This shine controlling, oil-free primer smooths out fine lines and hydrates while making pores instantly disappear. It is the perfect skin primer for all complexions and all skin types.
I did try this primer and I was ok with it, but not amazed. I found it was thicker then the one I am using and love, called Mirabella Prime for Face and Eyes. Pixi's was a heavier consistency on my face, which even combined with my BB cream made the sensation of makeup on my face more obvious then i'd like. I also found that it did not stop shine from coming through quite as well as my Mirabella Prime. I may give it more tries, but I think if Im on the fence it probably means I wont use it over what I currently have.

 POP Beauty - Smokey Lash Kapow Mascara. This lash-POP-ing mascara makes lashes plump, long and lusciously flirty! Smudge proof formula adds volume while curling lashes up and out for a look that truly POPs your peepers.
I enjoyed this mascara. I liked the packaging one it, very cute! Its seemed to glide on smoothly and with no clumps. I did use the lash cards that were in this months ipsy glam bag and that of course helped! I do think that Benefit they’re real! beyond mascara is a bit better, makes lashes look thicker.

MicaBeauty - Gel Eyeliner. Define eyes and apply eyeliner like a pro with the MicaBeauty Gel Eyeliner! This smooth, highly pigmented gel eyeliner glides over the lid evenly and dries quickly for a long-wearing, smudge-proof finish. Comes in 5 other highly pigmented shades.

Yet to try this product.

Lash Card The Lash Card. Apply your mascara perfectly with the Lash Card! Say goodbye to smudging, clumping, and messy mascara application. The Lash Card has two curves on each side that fit a variety of eye shapes, making it easy to get those hard-to-reach lashes. Each Lash Card is individually wrapped for on-the-go application.

I like this product! though I dont feel that I 'need' it, it was handy, and at first a bit awkward to use, but I got the hang of it. I use a lash curler and tend to just put on my mascara perfectly, but there have been occasions where I smudges some mascara on my lid, or it clumped up and it was a pain to get out the small mascara chunk. So Im thinking these may come in handy, just to have around for those troublesome mascara moments.

iCandy's Glam Bag Review by - January 2013

iCandy's Glam Bag Review by - January 2013
This review is coming a bit late from a shipping incident  nothing that was Ipsy's fault, it had to do with address changes and confusion on my part as to how the Ipsy My Glam bags were shipped. I thought they came UPS but it seems like the UPS is switched somehow to USPS O.o I dunno! but anyhow.. I finally got my Ipsy Bag in for January in the start of February by the time I got my replacement. I contacted Ipsy and they happily sent me another bag since my first would have been returned to address.  Crazy!

For those of you who dont know what Ipsy is service where each month for $10 dollars a month small bag of beauty products is sent to your home in what they call a Glam Bag with deluxe samples and fulled sized beauty products. You also join into the Ipsy community where you can share your favorite products and looks, styles and fashion. Its well worth it and a great way to be introduces to new items.   Check out this video by Michelle Phan who created MyGlam (click here)

Well onto the My Glam bag and my thoughts on it!
100% Pure Argan Oil by Josie Maran - This 100% Pure Argan Oil is a legendary oil that's rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids, and grown organically in Morocco. With its multitasking benefits, Argan Oil can be used for many areas including hydrating and nourishing skin as a daily moisturizer, skin treatment, treating spilt ends, and softening cuticles. It's gentle enough to use on all skin types.

I try and stay away from oil as I do have oily skin, mostly my face and my hair. I did start using this stuff on my dry legs during the cold months, and I really loved it on my skin, especially after just shaving mt legs. I actually preferred the oil over the usual moisturizer  I like how it absorbed into my skin and somehow feel less greasy after then a moisturizer. With the bottle size in the My Glam bag I find Im going through it pretty fast using it on my legs twice a day.
Straight up Nail Lacquer by Nailtini.  - You can’t go wrong with a classic, all the way to your fingertips. These two are the all-time best selling Nailtini nail lacquers. Whether the glossy true-red of bloody mary or the hint-of-pink of frappe, your tips and toes are classic perfection anytime.
I really liked the last Nailtini color we got in the November 2012 Part perfect bag. See my Video on that Here. This new color was classic and sassy, and you could get it in one of two colors and I happened to get red lacquer called Bloody Mary. One coat is enough, the pigment in this is great! I was afraid at first with how 'loud' a color it was, but once I put it on I felt like a classic lady!  The color seems to last well through the days, even when doing house hold chores like dishes. Its nice to have a polish that doesn't chip easily, iam becoming a fan of the Nailtini brand.

Brush by SOHO.- I got the “Get a Grip” Crease Brush 
Create the perfect eye with the Get a Grip Crease Brush. This brush was very loose and fluffy which makes it seem like a blending brush to me, as it doesn't really feel like it gives you a whole lot of control for more precise and spot on shadow application. But it may just be that im not sure how its used. But it is making for a very great blending brush! I use it after I apply the dark color after the light and blend it all in for a smokey effect! it makes it pretty easy. I didn't have a blending brush before this, so im glad to have gotten it :)

Sexy Hair - Spray & Play Volumizing Hairspray. Your everyday spray for BIG volume! Spray & Play is a humidity resistant, flexible hold hairspray that provides fullness, lift and incredible shine! Perfect for all hair types.
I am not a hairspray person, in fact when it comes to hair I am really low maintenance. I have a short-styled hair cut and I generally just let my hair air dry after a shower. My husband is always bugging me to do something with my hair. I did try this though! I gotta say, it really works O.o the hair spray seems pretty damn strong, just a small bit and my hair was stiff stuck in place! I imagine though would be wonderful with people that have thick hair, for me though it may have been over kill. I did not enjoy how heavy and sticky it made my hair feel, but Im terrible at wielding a hair drying and round brush and making volume and I have the worst time knowing how to apply hair product correctly. I may try and give it a few more tries though, see if I cant figure it all out.

Pacifica - Tuscan Blood Orange Mini Body Butter - Tuscan Blood Orange Body Butter is not only a highly effective antioxidant rich moisturizer that nourishes the driest of skin and helps fight off the signs of aging; it nourishes your other senses as well. The infusion of sparkling, juicy blood oranges that are highlighted with notes of red raspberry and spicy sweet Italian Mandarins take you to the beaches of the Mediterranean. Made with nature’s best moisturizers - Shea butter, almond oil and safflower oil.

This stuff was delicious yummy! it smells so good and I love how it rubs into my skin. Mostly it makes me hungry! I was very pleased with this products and id probably look into more moisturizers by them when I run out. It came at a great time too, during the cold dry season when my legs get so itchy! Ill use it when I run out of the Argan Oil!


Mrs. Bridges' Pantry - My visit to a british tea shop!

Mrs. Bridges' Pantry is a charming little tea house that can be found in South Woodstock Connecticut. My husband introduced it to me, and Im not sure how he came to find out about it, but it became a favorite place to visit. When we are having one of those days were we feel cooped up but wish to get out, but dont want to do anything to crazy, we take a drive down to Mrs Bridges' Pantry for some tea and lunch.

This place is so cute! it has a small dining area but I've never visitied to find there was no seating. In the warmer weather there is extra seating outside. Its set inside what looks like a small wooden shed with an add-on. Its very quaint, and it makes me think of a grandmothers house lost out in the woods, and tucked back in its own little hiding place.

Aside from there being a small restaurant, its also a kind of small british inspired variety corner store. I particularly like their candy bar selection, as I am originally from Canada, and it seems Canada and England share the same tastes in chocolate bars, such as the Crunchie bar or the Aero Bar. So I can have a small taste of home when I stop in! But seeing all the UK items on the shelves is pretty neat, they even have jars of Vegemite! I will try this someday! 

So lets get into the food first! yes they have scones! As you can see from the above picture, my husband got a cranberry and orange crumpet for his desert, they are traditional English Round Scones served with Devonshire Cream and House Strawberry Jam or Mrs. Bridges’ Lemon Curd. I warn you they are a heavy crumb and very filling! especially if your having them after a meal. But they are delicious! 

We started out with our choice of tea, and they have a HUGE tea list at this place, of all kinds of teas! Check out their Tea Catalogue here.  We chose Passionfruit Papaya Republic of Tea, and it was SO good that I bought some from the tea house side. It was 14.00 dollars for I think 50 bags in a container, that seemed pricey to me, but I like my tea and its wonderful to have this at home when im in the mood, and I dont think im going through it that fast, I can use the same tea bag for about two cups of tea before its no good.

They serve the tea in fancy tea cups and the tea is steeped in a kettle wrapped in a tea cozy, doilies and flowers and small sugar containers with tiny sugar tongs and tiny milk holders, you dont get more cliche English then this!. 

We went on our trip with our good friend Tina, and they gave her the most beautiful tea cup, I had to take a picture just to show my blog viewers how neat it was!

See what im talking about! But now lets get back to the food. Mrs. Bridges' Panty make THE best turkey sandwich I have ever tasted hands down! I highly recommend...  and I mean highly - to try one of their "american" made sandwiches, and especially the Turkey and Brie with Cranberry Mayo American Sandwiche which is served on Foccacia. If you want something a little different then that then try the Roast Beef and Cheddar with Onion Marmalade. The Roast beef is my husbands favorite, and I have tried a bite, its good!

They warm them up and the brie cheese is gooey and just melting and so amazingly awesome in my mouth! and who'd of though to mix cranberries into mayo? That and the cheese and turkey, it all combined into a marriage symphony! Just look at this picture of it!

Its actually quite filling for how it looks. I think they call it 'american' as its considered a large portion in comparison to english meals? This is still smaller then a sandwich id get from say The Cheese Cake Factory, I got a BLT from there once that I took home and it lasted me three days.

After sandwiches it was time for desert, and since the scones are very filling I went with a crumpet. Crumpet The Original “English Muffin” which is Served Toasty Warm with House Strawberry Jam and Devonshire Cream. I must press that these crumpets are not like the kind you'll pick up in an american grocery store, there is something different about these. It was lighter then the scones, but just the right sweetness spreading the cream and jam on top of each other. Id eat this every morning for breakfast if I could. Damn calories. 

They have more treats to choose from, they also have a small display case of other baked goods. Things that are not found on the menu list. I like to take a peak and buy desert out of it sometimes. This visit I came home with my tea and an aero bar. Below are some pictures of the inside of the tea shop and some of the interesting items on the shelves.

I thought this was funny, 'Earl Greyer"? Lol.. I wonder if they have an "Earl Greyer'er or maybe an "Earl Greyest"

This is a picture of the tea I picked up. The same tea we sampled when we sat down for lunch. I love the packaging, when I take it down off the shelf I feel like a rich tea drinking person.

Anyway thats it for this article! I give Mrs. Bridges Pantry a 5/5 stars for a place to visit. If your ever on the east side of Connecticut, stop in and sit down and relax, enjoy a small taste of England. 

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